News & Quick-bits 5 December 2017 Questions: Helix tosta for Snails Q: "Is it best to spray Helix tosta on the leaves or water the remedy into the g

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News & Quick-bits 5 December 2017


Questions: Helix tosta for Snails

Q: "Is it best to spray Helix tosta on the leaves or water the remedy into the ground?" A: "Either way works well..." Read the answers to more questions about this remedy. Read more | Comment

Scaly Skin

Homeopathy for Ichthyosis

Ichthyosis is characterized by rough, scaly skin, itching and burning. Several homeopathic remedies match these symptoms and more... but which ones?
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Grab the Aconite!

Do you know which remedy is best for symptoms with a sudden onset, shock with fear and thoughts of death? Aconite's the one. Here's further information about this very useful remedy. Read more | Comment


A Case of Bullous Pemphigoid

Dr Tampi outlines the treatment of a woman who suffered with itching, burning, and oozing blisters across her body. She was restless, irritable, and miserable until ... homeopathy! More info | Comment

Bootle and Leaves - Cropped

This Week's 3 Specials

Offer 1: $5.00 Bryonia alba (Bry.) 30C Pills
Build your kit with $5 remedies - a different one each week. More info | Buy now

Offer 2: Christmas Complex Trios
Choose three Complexes from our list…but pay for only two! More information

A Christmas Gift - $25 Gift Coupon
To all our wonderful customers and subscribers, please accept our $25.00 gift coupon. Merry Christmas! More information

The $5 Pill Offer ends at midnight on Monday, 4th December, 2017. Christmas Complex Trios are available until midnight, Saturday, 24th December, 2017. Redeem the $25 Gift Certificate at any time between now and the 31st January, 2018. (UTC/GMT -8 hours).
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Breast cancer and Homeopathy

Study: Breast Cancer Cells & Homeopathy

Homeopathic remedies had similar effects to chemotherapy on breast cancer cells but without the drawback of harming normal cells. Read more | Comment


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Ashtma young boy

Homeopathy for Andy's Allergies

Andrew had had asthma since he was 6-months-old. He was also sensitive to dairy and suffered from seasonal allergies. Read how homeopathy helped.
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Homeopathy for young children

Remedies for Young Children

Coughs, colds, teething, colic, fever, and earaches are part of childhood for many but did you know homeopathy can be used for each of these problems? Dr Underwood tells how. Read more | Comment


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