Big news - next Thursday, September 8th Coastal Commission will be asking for more time to look into the “Venice Dell Project” with a motion to extend the 90-day time limit for Commission action on land use plan amendments to up to one year. We strongly agree and need every-one to let Coastal know we support this motion!

It takes time to look into what has been hidden and ignored by the city when pushing through this miserably flawed project and it feels great to have the Coastal Commission address what we have been exposing for years by adding all the question marks to issues yet to be evaluated.

After all the appeals in objection to the project (including Coastal’s own) it takes time to clean up the mess that Mike Bonin has created. Performing the environmental review that the Coastal Commission is obligated to provide as the lead agency now on the project will take significant work. The City and developers will no doubt continue to try to ramrod this through. We need Coastal to take its time in properly evaluating the project and the harm it would bring to our environment and our coastal community.

It’s critically important for you to write in to comment in support of the extension by 5PM Friday, September 2nd.

We’ll also need you to call in for the meeting on the 8th. (Instructions to follow next week.)

The item is on the agenda #15 a - Thursday, September 8th:

Go to this link, click on the Thursday September 8th tab, and scroll down to Item 15.a:
Click on the light blue link at the end of the motion that says “Submit Comment” and it will open up an email for you to send.

Sample text below:

Dear Commissioners-

I strongly support the motion to extend the deadline for Commission action for up to a year on the City of LA request to amend the Venice Land Use Plan to modify development standards for a 40-lot mixed-use project one block from the beach on the Venice Canals.

Numerous environmental issues have been exposed and are of extreme concern to the community and now must be fully studied. The City has bypassed environmental review using misguided legislation and we rely on the Coastal Commission to fulfill its obligation to protect the Coast, its residents and its visitors from reckless development.

Thank you for your due diligence in protecting the Coast and the people who share it from politicians who do not have the pubic’s best interest in mind.



Every comment counts- please share with others who can write in!

With Appreciation-
The Team at Safe Coastal Development

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