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In This Newsletter

The food you eat is only one facet of a healthy lifestyle. The positive effects of high quality food can be enhanced by other supportive lifestyle factors. In Always Hungry, we spend time talking about 4 of these Lifestyle Supports, but we’ve added a fifth one here, for added benefit. How many of these 5 Lifestyle Supports have you included in your daily routine?

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Click the photo to see our delicious recipe!

Last week we talked about keto diets and included a fabulous tortilla recipe that works for both keto and AH. We've posted the recipe again here, for simple viewing. These tortillas hold together like traditional tortillas, but don't cause the surge in blood sugar levels. And they're delicious!

A new analysis projects annual health care cost reaching $6 TRILLION in 2027, as baby boomers age. That's about $17,000 per person and 20% of GDP. But this massive economic burden could be reduced with better diet and more successful obesity treatment.

Metabolic rate decreases after bariatric surgery by more than expected from weight (fat) loss alone, as seen in a new observational study in adolescents. Can this decrease (which predisposes to weight regain) be reversed by diet or other measures?

We've been really loving our Instagram! Follow us at ChefDawnLudwig for more food photos and our favorite inspirational quotes!

Looking for a way to become more involved with other AH readers? Well look no further! We've reached over 14,900 members in our active Facebook group! It's a great place to connect with other readers, share stories and recipes, ask questions, and support one another! Chef Dawn and Dr. Ludwig interact daily with members in this group. It's always free and noncommercial.

Stay up to date with Dr. Ludwig by following his Facebook page! See the latest research, news, and discussions!

Stay connected with Chef Dawn! Follow her Facebook page for recipes, motivation, inspirational quotes, and articles!

Find all of Chef Dawn's recipes that have been published on the web, our newsletters, our new vegetarian recipes board, and many other ideas!

Kind regards,
Chef Dawn and Dr. David Ludwig

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