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Hello, HHH family!

It’s been a long time since I sent an email to stay in touch with new information from our clinic as well as what’s new in the Integrative medicine world. CBD oil. Do you know how and why it works? Do you know the differences and why liposome? Well, before I tell you all of this awesome information, let me tell you some awesome news!
Yup, moving to a more quaint and special place. Although the new office address is in Parker, it’s only 3 miles down the road from where we are now. You are going to love it…. Our phone number 303-249-7742 and web page www.RootedInHealth.com and all the services are remaining the same!

As for our wonderful Christie Edwards, she has found a beautiful Zen Zone office in Lone Tree. She also will be doing her same work, nothing changing there either. We will still be working together and consulting with each other regarding patients and helping our patients move forward with Grace And Ease. We are looking forward to seeing you soon.

As for the CBD oil, read on… You’re gonna love this info!

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CBD doesn't repair the body but may help with symptoms NOT THE ROOT CAUSE

Wonderful CBD oil to support Life!

Since Colorado has made Marijuana legal I was very apprehensive about how society was going to use it. Yes, of course, there are many people misusing/abusing this herb/drug AND there are many people in our field having much success with it as a therapy. Here is why a beautifully processed hemp plant becomes a wonderful CBD oil without THC can help you feel better. (THC is the stuff that makes you HIGH…)

Recently, increasing the number of the scientific data stimulated a bigger interest in the role of the human endocannabinoid system (ECS) in promoting health and wellness.
Numerous evidence confirm the importance of the endocannabinoid signaling system in decreasing acute and chronic pain, especially of the inflammation origin.
It makes sense that enhancing energetically ECS, as well as using natural ingredients that work within it, it might be able to influence efficiently a wide variety of disorders. Some of the disorders that we have been using it for are: arthritis, joint pain, sleeplessness/insomnia, brain health as well as the company that Holistic Herbal Health purchases this wonderful product from is Vital Force Technology (VFT) which their lab has created Vital360 Hemp formula that combines several energy patterns based on different extracts of the Cannabis sp. that were infused into the full spectrum cannabinoid extract (Elixinol Hemp Oil). Also, there are no side-effects, cannot be detected in urine or blood tests as there is no THC chemical which gives the “associated” high feeling in the product.

Now, you know that I am all about Quantum infusion for healing. This is why this product is so fabulous. It works as a liposome, meaning it gets immediately absorbed into the blood through the mucus membranes and does not have to travel through the stomach to become activated and not having to get processed through the liver which changes some of it’s great microcellular components.

The following are the benefits Vital360 CBD can bring to you, seen from the energetic point of view:
A) improves overall wellness, calming and soothes the senses.
B) helps the body during stress
C) support in decreasing the state of nervousness,
D) poor concentration
E) overall weakness.
F). Insomnia
Remember that most remedies such as CBD oil helps soothing and masking receptors sites. If your cells are not communicating, then no repairing or restoring to health will occur. Restoring Cellular Communication has to be achieved before any repair and restoring of cells will occur. Yes, these products work well, and I even use the CBD after a good hard work-out. I also know that it helps for a short while and that I have to get to the underlaying cause of the symptoms I am experiencing. (sometimes running aggravates the ligaments and bones and perhaps I am not that young anymore! Hahaha!!!). Here is a great youtube to help explain a little more: Watch this video on CBD oil

Come into the office before we move and purchase a bottle to try for your aches and pains and we will give you 10% off the selling price. Regular price $45.00. That’s a savings of $4.50

AND here are more specials pricing until July 31st.
1) All Bare Oil products 15% off while supplies last

a. All essential oils

b. Amber – anti aging serum
2) All Yor Health products 15% off while supplies last

a. Shampoo

b. Conditioner

c. Body wash

d. Body lotion

e. Hand cream
3) All SOLUTIONS 4 Products 15% off

a. Shakes

b. Body exfoliations

c. Super Berry greens

d. Facial moisturizers

e. Eye Serum

f. Wild yam progesterone
4) Thrive optimum digestive health kit – 15% off

a. Phase I

b. Phase II

c. Phase III
5) Therasage –full spectrum sauna DEMO only – 20% off


YOUR REFERRAL GETS 20% OFF that’s a $93.40 savings off of THE REGULAR PRICE OF $467.00.
We appreciate your trust and confidence. Thank you!

Also, we will be selling some office furniture items. Come into the office and take a look around.

Looking forward to seeing you before we move AND after too! Stop in so that we can get and give, some warm hugs!


May your eyes be open to see the miracles every day and may your ears be open to hear the whispers from above and from within.
God Bless
Dr. Deb

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