
February 6, 2023

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Isn't it interesting how easily predictable our government is regarding disinformation, misinformation, distraction, propaganda, and political rhetoric? As predicted, this "Chinese balloon fiasco" is a distraction with military-grade psychological warfare. Chinese balloons have been traversing the Continental United States for years, even during the Trump Administration. So what are they distracting the American public from right now? Well, as the old saying goes, "it's the economy, stupid."

I'm not saying the experts are always correct and accurate. But I try and comprehend their understanding when they share it. When a Wall Street hedge fund manager manages to acquire a 1 Billion dollar gain in one day for his fund, he must know something we don't, right? Mark Spitznagel offered some very profound insight years ago. The kind I've been sharing with you for years now, as well. I am not on this guy's team, let alone the same league - but it doesn't take rocket science to figure out what is coming.

In an article published four years ago, Mr. Spitznagel says the following regarding the U.S. financial system: "objectively the greatest tinderbox-timebomb in financial history—greater than in the late 1920s, and likely with similar market consequences."

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That's another way of saying the whole house of cards is just one breath away from being completely blown down. So we watch and wait. Tomorrow, next week, next month, next year - we are still determining exactly, we don't know. As many others think, come late Spring and summer into the fall of 2023, the U.S. economy will fall off a cliff. So what we do is prepare. That's all we can do. This will not be stopped. It will happen. But it will happen quickly. And once it starts, it will not stop until the world economic order lies in ruins.

So keep watch and take the necessary action you've already been warned to take. More to come . . . in the meantime, if you happen to need the services of a doctor, it is best to avoid the whole "vaccine" issue; here's why (CLICK HERE).



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