Sam and Jeffrey image V3


"A change is in the air; a great mellowing is at work. It's in the wind, in the earth, inside each and every one of us. And somewhere, not far off in the distance, woodsmoke is seasoning the evening sky.

Each year, autumn arrives all bluster and, like an old friend, invites us to come outside and enjoy a few more days of color and light. In the fall, we watch the sky. We listen for rain. We stop to watch the trees and their painted leaves. We pack away our beach chairs and unpack our woolen socks. We settle into our long pants and our sturdy boots and our trusty old raincoats. We return to books half-read and sweaters half-knitted and favorite old recipes, written in our mother's hand. This time of year, we remember our love for pumpkin and pecans; we pick barrels of apples and bake with buckets of cinnamon.

Each year, autumn reminds us to return to the routines that anchor our lives in time. We feel nostalgia deeply and embrace ritual fiercely. We go home again. We relive glory days. We gather together in September stadiums, around October bonfires, and at long November tables. And in the shadow of the dimming natural world, we tell and retell tales.

So, let's harvest all the light and goodness that we can. Here and now, during the sweet golden hour of the year."

(As written in Magnolia Journal, by Austin Sailsbury)


Dearest Community,

Today I (Samantha) was reminded of this comforting, sensory poem by Austin Sailsbury, that perfectly encapsulates the feeling of autumn for me, As we all navigate our inner and outer seasons, we can turn towards the map of the 5Rhythms to practice embodying all that is percolating in this ever changing existence. As the shifts of the seasons unfold, we welcome you in the fertile timeline that you find yourselves in, to fortify your being as we navigate the terrain of known/unknown - together.

Some logistical changes to note:

▪ As a reminder, due to a change in studio availability, our class time has shifted to 11-12:30. Same start time, returning to 1.5 hour class duration.
▪ Class passes are now available!
As a reminder, due to a change in studio availability, our class time has shifted to 11-12:30. Same start time, returning to 1.5 hour class duration.
Class passes are now available!

With gratitude, love, and grace,

Samantha + Jeffrey



We regularly evaluate the most recent information and will make changes when necessary.


*No Vaccination status required.

*Masks Voluntary.

*If you feel Sick, STAY HOME!



Waves™ A 5Rhythms® Movement Meditation with Samantha & Jeffrey in rotation
11am - 12:30pm
Pre-registration required
Single Class: $20
Class Pass: $180 for 10 classes

Scholarship Fund: Available for those in need. Please reach out to us prior to class to request or fund a scholarship.

Classes located at TurnRVA | 3105 W Moore| Richmond | VA | 23230
Produced by After Before Productions


About 5RHYTHMS®:
Created by Gabrielle Roth and practiced by tens of thousands worldwide, 5Rhythms® is a philosophy, perspective, performance art and a dynamic movement practice rooted in the principle that if you put the psyche in motion it will heal itself. Movement is both the medicine and the metaphor, reaching across all languages, cultures and age groups to transform suffering into art, art into awareness, and awareness into action. Wherever the 5Rhythms are practiced, a community is born to dance, to sweat, to change, to support, and to provide a safe place for each of us to shatter the ego’s hold and awaken the juicy, unpredictable, fascinating, edge-walking, rock star part of ourselves that yearns to be free.

Creativity. Connection. Community.

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