Shop Creative Cockades Cockades From Italy Tomorrow is a national Italian holiday (besides being St. Patrick's Day!). Italy became a nation on March

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late 1800s

Cockades From Italy

Tomorrow is a national Italian holiday (besides being St. Patrick's Day!). Italy became a nation on March 17, 1861, when the region was united under King Victor Emmanuel II.

Last week I received in the mail the latest addition to my collection: A World War II Italian cockade (for a military pith helmet).

In honor of both of those occasions, I thought it would be fun to show you some of Italy's lovely cockades.

carabinieri coccarda

The First Cockade

If this picture looks like there's an honor guard around a cockade, that's because that's what it is. Italy is one of the few nations that can actually point to its first national cockade.

This gorgeous rosette dates to 1794 and has a tragic and heroic story attached to it. The two young students who designed and wore it (and others like it) were revolutionaries, fighting for Italy's freedom from the papal state. They were captured by the Inquisition and tortured, refusing to give in. Both men died in Italy's defense, but the cockade was saved and is one of Italy's national treasures. Napoleon later confirmed it as Italy's cockade and the Italian flag colors were based on it.

Coccarda Tricolore 1848 copy

1848 Cockades

There were many wars and revolutions before the miscellaneous Italian states eventually unified and became a separate nation on March 17, 1861. During the Revolutions of 1848-49, Italy was fighting for independence from Austrian control.

Cockades naturally abounded in that era, and this one even has the date preserved in its center.

1848 cockade

Punch's Cockade

An emotional story from 1848 appeared in the American newspapers. You probably know that "Punch" was a humorous character from comedy shows of the past. This story is about when Punch took the stage at a theater in Naples.

At Naples in the little theatre of San Carlino, a curious incident took place. All the actors having appeared with Italian colors, the audience observed with surprise that Punch had no cockade. Immediately violent shouts came from every corner of the hall: “The cockade, Punch, the cockade!” cried the pit.

The costume of the Neapolitan Punch resembles that of a clown. He wears loose trousers, a shirt with full sleeves, and a grey high-pointed hat.

The actor who represents his character advanced to the front of the stage, took off his mask, and saluting the audience, said, “If it is to me, John Casita, that your appeals are addressed, I will tell you, gentlemen, that the national cockade is on my heart,” and opening his vest, he displayed an enormous tri-colored cockade, “but I thought it a profanation to put it upon the jacket of Punch.”

At these words, pronounced with a firm voice and incredible sincerity and frankness, frantic applause sounded throughout the hall, and tears of emotion fell over more than one cheek. It is the first time Punch ever made his audience weep.

WWII Italian Pith Helmet Cockade

My Cockade

This is the beauty I got in the mail this week! Italians have worn tricolor cockades ever since 1794 and this one dates to World War II. The badge in the center is based on the historic Savoy coat of arms - an eagle and the Savoy crown.

To see more cool Italian cockades, check out my Pinterest Board. If you're looking for a cockade to express your Italian pride... or a cockade for any other nation ... check out the "National Pride" section of my shop! If you don't see the one you want, I'm always up for custom orders!

And while we're talking about national pride...




March 2015 150th Reenactments

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Thanks for reading... see you next week!

~Heather Sheen
Owner, Creative Cockades

Every Cockade Has A Story To Tell!

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