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This saying, one I hadn't seen in so many years, snuck into my heart and grabbed at me when I saw it yesterday. There is such truth to it.
Over the past few days I have been reminded, over and over again, about how we, as humans, are intertwined. I have seen the thread so vividly in my mind. It's long and thin, fragile but strong. It's vital and forthcoming, but subtle in nature. It's remarkably beautiful as it twists and turns around corners. It's soft-spoken but incredibly powerful - it's what links us together. It helps build our foundations.

I am a true believer that everything happens for a reason. I don't necessarily have to understand, or even know what the reason is, but I know it's there. Most times it lays low, very understated and vague, but sometimes it's as if the wind is brittle and forceful in your face . It knocks you off your feet. And then there are the ah ha moments that arise at the oddest times, like in a dream or as you are lying awake at night. Nevertheless, they do arrive, and there is no stopping it, so why not recognize it.

Today someone shared a story with me. Prior to sharing with me, I let her know that the gift of meeting her has been a light for me. I am not sure what my exact words were, but I think you get it. Today she shared a difficult story about herself with me. My heart just wanted to tell her it would be okay. That she is okay. This journey she is on is one of pain, of growth, of self discovery. She will come out a warrior, stronger than when she went in. This I know, because I can feel it. She needed to tell me, and I feel honored that she felt she could be vulnerable and safe.

Yesterday, I had the honor of hosting a wonderful group of ladies brought together by a single person in their group. All stitchers, all great friends. It was wonderful to see them interact. It was there that I found this proverb that had been absent for so many years. It was there for a reason. I didn't know it until late yesterday when I went back to look at it again, and it gave me the little push I needed.

This past week I had an interesting conversation with a friend. She helped me see something I just wasn't getting. Since that talk, I have felt a calmness, at peace in many ways. I needed her. She was a moment of clarity.
I know I have given you tidbits of stories, of things that have transpired this week. I know, individually, you could be asking why, or just don't care. And that is fine. We all have our own stuff, our own threads. But in some way, your thread is connected to mine. They are our experiences, our lessons, our moments, and so much more.

I know this year has been slightly insane. It has been one of sadness, destruction, even death. It has been one of humility. It has definitely been humbling. And yet, through it, I still have hope.

Hope resides because of you and all you bring to the table - your wisdom, your truths, your hearts. I see the strength in us through the thread that binds us and twists us. Yes, I see the obstacles too, scary and overwhelming at times but crushable. I see the power of humanity and all it can be. I see a community that I love and cherish. I see life, and to watch it unfold is a beautiful thing.

So, hats off to this little Chinese Proverb - for finding me again after so many years.

Kind regards,
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