
December 18, 2022

SPECIAL NOTE: If you want to enjoy the mass of Christ (Christ's Mass/Christmas) and prepare for the new year, then IGNORE this Intel Brief. SERIOUSLY! You've been warned. It's going to fill your stockings with black, sooty coal that could possibly meow.


This update will not only head off the reservation but also end up somewhere light-years away. Some of you will be able to appreciate the journey, and others of you will be left asking yourself if you ever signed up for this. But first, take 7 minutes and watch the following video from FOX News' Tucker Carlson, aired the night before last, Friday, December 16, 2022. And understand, while Tucker is stating only facts, his omission of facts would take most conservatives by surprise if they were to discover who Tucker Carlson is and who he speaks for, but more on that in a moment. To understand the rest of this update, you'll do yourself a favor by reviewing Carlon's commentary first.

Ok, now that we're on the same page. I want you to digest a few things. In the past, you've heard me refer to the Company as the Clowns In Action over at Langely. It is so compartmentalized that it's like a VW full of pranksters trying to get to the circus. Sometimes, what they think they fully control controls them. Case in point, how many know that another meaning of the acronym for the Central Intelligence Agency is Christians in Action? It's true. Only, they are demonic imposters working for entities that people cannot even fathom exist.

What am I saying? Allow me to cut to the chase. I don't worry about the blowback, the ridicule, or the finger-pointing, nor should you. Why didn't Carlson state the entire truth? How JFK felt so betrayed and manipulated by the CIA that his anger was kindled such that he fired CIA Director Allen Dulles and threatened to ' splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the wind.' He was no friend to Wall Street nor the Industrial complex. And as I've stated numerous times, he was the LAST President of the United States of America. Every President since has been ENTIRELY controlled by the CIA, except for Ronald Reagan, who went off script and was reminded via a bullet from John Hinkley, Jr., who were his masters. Reagan was then controlled by his handler, Vice-President George Bush, former Director of the CIA. When we look around at those we know, those we call friends and family, the vast majority are taking blue pills like they're going out of style, and I'm not talking about the ones which make certain body parts larger and others more excitable. I'm talking about the blue pills, in contrast to the red ones, which castrate a person's critical thinking and make them pliable to lies and delusion like most of their fellow Americans.

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By now, we know that anyone who still denies COVID-19 was a purposely designed military psychological operation accompanied by a bioweapon disguised as a "vaccine," or who still denies the U.S. Presidential election in 2020 was rife with fraud and corruption installing a pedophile the majority of Americans knew was an imposter is self-deluded or worse, just plain stupid. Brazilians are much more awake than Americans; at least they protested in mass when their recent election was stolen. If your friendly neighbors want to believe their vote in America still counts, or anywhere around the world for that matter, let them be - they are extremely dangerous. Why? Because they will do anything to protect their false reality no matter what facts are presented to them. They MUST persist in their illusion of reality as Americans because they are slaves to that reality and they become very upset when people such as us try and disturb the world that has been pulled over their eyes. Who has time to think critically when you're too busy trying to provide for and raise a family? Maintain a job? Make ends meet? Most of those who surround us are enemies, not our fellow Americans, let alone humans, whether friends or family. They are sub-human, transhuman, and would turn on us in a second. Don't believe me? Watch. Maybe many of you will act the same way in just a second.


Religion has been a highly evolved control vector for thousands of years. It is an illusion. It is make-believe. It is a mechanism used to enslave, not empower. And every single holy book - whether the Talmud, the Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavad Gita, or the Ramayana all have this in common. They were developed, produced, and distributed by intelligent beings far superior to humanity. Yes, Virginia, I am speaking of extra-terrestrials. Whether you wish to call them angels or demons, Gods or Goddesses, Saviors or Watchers, it doesn't matter. They are NOT from this three-dimensional plane of existence we call physical reality. And they ARE NOT the holy and righteous entities they have professed to be in most cases.

Yes, some beings are good, but most are not. The evil they embody is beyond most of our human intellect to comprehend. Innocent men, women, and children by the millions have died since time immemorial for religious beliefs that did nothing but get them slaughtered. For what? Righteousness? Eternal life? Sainthood? There are ONLY two constants, good and evil. EVERYTHING ELSE IS ARBITRARY. EVERYTHING. Consider that the next time you enter a government-sponsored house of worship. Ever wonder why the American flag sits behind most U.S. pulpits? Never forget who the real masters of religion are; your sanity demands such.

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So what the hell does this have to do with the CIA, you ask? More than I care to write about at the moment. In past writings, I have alluded to the destruction of just three major cities as one of the best and most freeing things to happen for humanity to thrive and cast off its oppressors. Those cities are Jerusalem, London, and Washington, D.C. If that happens, secondary bastions of evil, such as Rome and Mecca, will collapse. And then humanity will truly be set free. What is the likelihood of this occurring? That depends. Do the CIA, Mossad, and MI6 still run the planet? Think I'm joking? What happened to Kanye West recently (Ye)? The same happened to Mel Gibson, Michael Richards, and others who've dared to question the true power behind the scenes. This same power has castigated both Christianity and Islam for 2,000 years. The same power holy books refer to as Leviathan, the Serpent, and a brood of vipers. Still don't get it? I'll give you a hint - - the year was 1948, and this demonic entity was granted Statehood by the wealthiest and most vile European family of Zionists ever known - I speak of the Red Shield. Ah, the ignorance of most Christians. It is magnanimous, no?

When humanity finds out on a massive scale precisely who its oppressors genuinely are and what they represent, when they find out that "religion" and "science" have been working in tandem and false opposition for thousands of years to control this planet we call home, they will then be ready to truly understand the purpose of absolutely evil inventions of depraved intellects running this world's intelligence agencies. Until then, life is as simple as the instructions on a shampoo bottle, apply, rinse, repeat.

That's my veiled preface for what 2023 is about to bring. The pain, the suffering, the human death toll, the chaos, the hunger, and the deprivation are all preventable. All of this can be lessened, if not avoided, by taking one innocuous red pill. I took mine decades ago, just like some of you. I didn't read the label as I should have, however - I missed the part under WARNINGS, where in super-fine print, there was a tiny line that read: time-release formula, only works on an open intellect, DO NOT EXPECT IMMEDIATE RESULTS.

Why some of us have been burdened with a philosophical mind rather than a religious or scientific one is still a mystery to me. It's always been the case throughout the ages. Some can see through the illusion and understand how the magic is done. Others still hold firmly to religion, science, or both and point to us as the crazy ones, the lunatics, because we won't assimilate into their way of thinking. Little do they understand we were once in their shoes; we once thought just as they did but have progressed where they have stood idle, bound, and determined never to let go of their "faith and hope." Maybe one day, they, too, will move forward, casting off the restraints put upon them by absolute evil to keep them bound to a system of do's and don't's relegated upon a belief of attaining some form of immortality. True religion is NEVER about belief - it is about action.


I'm reminded of that philosophical quote from one of the grandest of all mind-control releases ever produced in the modern era—the Matrix. A Hollywood coercive persuasion project that brought forced re-education to those with eyes to see and ears to hear. And guess what? It wasn't predictive programming. It was a fact. The movie, The Matrix, was based on the CIA's Gateway Experience project. Hmmm? Forget about QAnon. That is a fictional psyop from the highest levels of military intelligence. Why is Elon Musk suddenly tweeting 'white rabbit' emojis? Remember?

How long have I been teasing you down the rabbit hole? Why would I want to? The same reason the CIA wants you to believe Trump and Biden, or DeSantis, for that matter, are your only choices in America. Forget politics. Every politician, no matter how they might appear, is a marionette - the only question is how hard they are going to pull against and resist their strings, back to The Matrix.

Neo: What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge bullets?
Morpheus: No, Neo, I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready,
you won't have to.

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Remember, today, in America and worldwide, the Gatekeepers are the CIA. They believe they possess the keys to the kingdom. Do they? Really? They are going to ignite the world in a relatively few short weeks. I've been preparing you for over two years now. I haven't been alone. Not even close. Each of us, in our own way, has been doing what we've been taught, led, and directed to do - prepare those in our circle of influence to fight a battle they can't even see yet, let alone believe even exists. Why? Because when this all manifests to even the most ardent detractor, it will be way past the point of preparation. It will be the time for engagement. And now you know why I and others still stand by our most ominous pronouncement. Billions are going to die in the next two years. By 2025 America will be unrecognizable. That is what is going to happen. 2023 is the year the world financially collapses; no more illusions, no more platitudes, no more empty words. It happens. It was designed from the beginning to happen.

Then what? Then we find out just how prepared we are . . . and just how much of the carnage we can stop. The blind have figured this much out; only they consider it another buying cycle, another round of stimulus to keep the charade going. I beg to differ. It's the endgame. It's where the house of cards comes crashing down once and for all. Most financial planners hate acknowledging this fact, but where we are today relative to debt-based finance is someplace we have NEVER been for over 200 years since that first compact signed by 24 stock brokers called the Buttonwood agreement back in 1792 on Wall Street. The magnitude at which middle-class Americans are about to be financially destroyed will reverberate worldwide. Mark my words.

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