
July 21, 2020,

Dear Prayer Warriors,


Sent in from our prayer partner:

Sadly, this little one did not survive.

The woman sent a message to say that she had a miscarriage over the weekend.

She seems "distraught", and the staff of the pregnancy care centre have offered her support.

Thank you for all the prayers.

Initial Prayer Request:

A woman has an abortion scheduled for tomorrow (July 17th).

She is meeting via Zoom with the staff of a pregnancy care centre who can offer her support and accommodation in their program.

Please continue to pray for this woman.

Pray for the pregnancy care centre staff to have wisdom and the right words to speak into this situation and into the life of this woman.


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More prayer = more impact. Please feel free to share NNTO with your praying friends or family and encourage them to sign up to receive these alerts so they can be praying as well. They can sign up at this page: Click here.


The Justice Wall has recently launched a Facebook page to share information and prayer requests related to abortion in Canada (and other justice issues targeted on the Justice Wall).

Please like the group and choose "See First" in your follow options so we can stay connected as a national prayer community.

Click here to go there now.



This Online Life Prayer Room is now active.

At any time of day, you can simply click on a link, enter the room and if others are there, you can pray alongside with them for life. At most times, the room will simply be "drop in" and spontaneous.

If someone is there, please introduce yourself and feel free to begin praying with them.

We are currently scheduling leaders from across Canada to facilitate various prayer hours.

Currently, we have 40 scheduled prayer meetings in addition to the drop-in times in between.

This list is being added to on a regular basis, click here for the most, up-to-date times.

We are currently looking for leaders to fill the remaining hours so we can get this room 24-7. If you would like to volunteer to be a prayer leader for an hour a week in the online life room, please e-mail:


The Justice Wall, No Not This One Prayer Alerts and the 24/7 Life Prayer Room are donor-supported. Please prayerfully consider donating to help us continue in our life-saving efforts. All donations are tax-receiptable. Thank you for your support.

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